Sunday, April 26, 2009

Here are the weak results from this week:

1. Aileen O'Donnell 89.91%
2. John O'Donnell 94.19%
3. Megan O'Donnell 95.98%

Nice job Aileen!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sorry for the delay. I promise to post same day results next Sunday. We have 18 contestants, actually we have a new-comer this week, so 19.. Hopefully we will have all %'s for next week. If all 19 people give their percentage next week everybody will win ten thousand dollars.

Here are the results of this week, Dan wins!:

1. Dan O'Donnell 90.93%
2. Annette O'Donnell 91.91%
3. John O'Donnell 94.19%
4. Sean McManamy 94.55%
5. Megan O'Donnell 96.25%

Good Luck!!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just a reminder that the weigh in is tomorrow by noon. We are looking for your % tomorrow of your original weight. A $15 value prize for EVERYONE from me IF all 18 contestants send in their weight, by noon. JOD.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

only got 1 percentage this week. Lets weigh in again on this Sunday April 19th. Hopefully I will get all 18 this week. Good luck, don't quit, just about 2.5 months to go!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Aileen wins again!! 87.7%

Here are the complete results:

1. Aileen O'Donnell 87.7%
2. Dan O'Donnell 89.5%
3. Annette O'Donnell 91.91%
4. John O'Donnell 92.34%
5. Sean McManamy 93.37%
6. Mary Lou Niewoehner
7. Megan O'Donnell 95.18%
8. Brett Ferullo 100%

The consensus is we are going to lay off the prizes for a couple weeks and see how it goes.

Your assignment for this week is to lose weight and to post on the blog what has been working well for you so far on your diet/exercise plan (or just send me an email w/ details and I can post).

I will go first. I try my best to work out 3x a week. Also, I eat a huge fruit plate every afternoon with two pieces of string cheese, and don't really have desserts after dinner unless it is a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich or a Weight Watchers sundae.

I am looking forward to your responses - I need some new ideas to mix things up here.

Thanks, JOD
Sorry, I am behind. Here are the results from last week:

1. Aileen O'Donnell 87.41%
2. Dan O'Donnell 88.75%
3. Annette O'Donnell 91.91%
4. Sean McManamy 93.09%
5. Mary Lou Niewoehner 94.38%
6. John O'Donnell 94.89%
7. Mary Jeske 95.60%
8. Megan O'Donnell 96.25%
9. Tony Arendt 97.7%
10. Mike Bell 97.75%
11. Ann Marie Bell 97.79%
12. Brett Ferullo 100%

I didn't hear from George Reyes, Jim Norwood, Bill Jeske, Colleen Jennings, Paula and David Andries

There is no money left for prizes :(

Should we throw in another $20 bucks each for prize fund or just keep going without? Let me know you opinion and we will just go with the majority.

Let me know your % today or your original weight by noon for this week. Thanks, JOD